In this article you will find the answer to the question “How to identify a phishing email” and what are the ways to protect yourself from Phishing Attack. Happy reading!
Table of Contents:
Is it a real email, or is it a Phishing attack?
Have you been receiving emails that look authentic, from places you don’t normally visit or people you have never talked to? This is a technique we like to call phishing.
Phishing is the fraudulent practice of sending emails pretending to be from reputable companies in order to entice individuals to reveal personal information.
Keep reading to find out how to identify these tactics and what to do if you are receiving them.
How to Identify Phishing Emails?
Individuals are often targeted by cybercrimes via email. These emails are designed to look like they came from a legitimate bank, your favorite store, and even government agencies. In these emails usually, the sender is asking for the receiver to click on a link and fill in personal information to verify. Legitimate companies don’t send unsolicited attachments.
What to look out for:
- High-risk attachment files including exe, SCR, and zip.
- Spelling mistakes, legitimate emails won’t have common spelling errors.
- Who the email is addressed to, usually companies will address you personally in the email.
- Make sure there are no alterations made to the sender address like additional numbers or letters for example vs
What to do to eliminate Phishing emails:
- Mark the email as spam
- Delete your spam emails
- Keep your email address private
- Change your email
- Unsubscribe from any email lists
If you are noticing an increasing number of phishing emails Digital Investigation offers a variety of services, including Spyware removal. We are able to work on your case remotely, in-lab and onsite. Contact us or submit a case today to learn more about how to identify a phishing email and how we can help you make your accounts more secure. If you become a victim of sextortion – report online sextortion to sextortion helpline 24\7