
Report LinkedIn Harassment

LinkedIn harassment can happen to anyone! If you are a victim and don’t know how to handle the situation give us a call today! We are here to help!

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What is LinkedIn Harassment and How Does It Work?

LinkedIn harassment occurs when a person uses the platform to harass another individual. The harassment can consist of threats of violence, exposing personal information, defamation of character, and much more.

The person doing the harassment will bombard their victim with hate through their LinkedIn account and threaten to tarnish their reputation on the platform. LinkedIn allows users to share their careers and interests, which unfortunately gives their harasser access to their personal information which they will use to carry out their abuse.

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How to Protect Yourself from Harassment on LinkedIn?

To protect yourself from this digital abuse, it’s imperative that you take precautions when choosing who you speak to online, and what information you share with them. We recommend keeping strong privacy settings on your LinkedIn account, blocking and reporting unwanted messages, and being mindful of what you post so that you avoid giving your harasser any more ammo to use against you.


How To Report LinkedIn Harassment?

To report abuse on LinkedIn you can click here.

You can also report the sextortion to cybersecurity experts such as us. We are available 24/7 so give us a call at 844-240-8277 or chat with one of our representatives online to start a case.

How Can I Use Your Helpline to Stop It?

Our helpline was made for victims battling various types of cybercrimes, such as cyber harassment. Once you give us a call, you will be able to explain your side of the story and work with a team that will combat your harassment and helps put an end to it for good.

What To Do If You Have Been Harassed on LinkedIn?

If you are being harassed on LinkedIn it’s important for you to take action. Do not let the abuse go on any longer! We recommend doing the following:

  • Document the harassment. Take as many screenshots of the harassment and any telling details of your harasser. 
  • Do not engage with your harasser’s threats. The more that you feed into their threats the more power you allow them to have. 
  • Report the abuse to LinkedIn. Reporting your harasser’s account could get their account taken down or banned. 
  • Report the harassment to cybercrime experts. There is a chance that LinkedIn will not follow through and ban your harasser’s account. This is why we recommend taking it a step further and reaching out to experts to help put an end to the threats for good.

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