do-sextortionists-follow-through-on-Instagram do-sextortionists-follow-through-on-Instagram

Do Sextortionists Follow Through On Instagram?

Yes, sextortionists follow through on Instagram. Sextortion is a terrible thing and should never be dealt with. If someone threatens to share your private information if you don’t do something for them, report this to our sextortion helpline immediately!

The hackers will not hesitate to take advantage of your vulnerabilities and use them against you. They may promise not to make good on their threat, but it’s likely that they’ll follow through with an expose just for fun – or worse yet-to get what is desired from this type of crime.

What to Do If You Are the Victim of Instagram Sextortion?

What should you do if this happens to you? The first thing is not feeling guilty, and the second, keep your cool. Think of all the options available for solving the situation before taking any action because there may be something more reversible than just going along with their demands (for example buying some time by asking them what they want).

5 Tips How to Report It?

Report Post On Instagram why are you reporting this post

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  1. Go to post, comment or profile and tap the three-dot icon at top right corner followed by Settings, and then select “Report…”, “Report Post, Message or Comment”, or “Report Account”.
  2. You should never engage with a perpetrator. You will only end up wasting your time and energy, so don’t do it.
  3. Keep a record of everything that happens with the suspect- take notes on what they say, how you respond.
  4. Grabbing screenshots of your messages is a great way to preserve evidence in case you need it later.
  5. The key to staying safe on social media is security. Make sure you secure all your profiles and make them inaccessible to the public, especially if they contain personal information like phone number, address, or dates of birth.

Your report will be anonymous. The account you reported will not see who reported them. If you report an inappropriate post, your identity will remain anonymous even if Instagram contacts the person responsible for posting such content. But please know that reporting someone does not guarantee the post will be removed from Instagram.

Read also our article “How to Report Sextortion on Instagram?”.

How To Protect Yourself From Sextortion On Instagram?

Social media has led to an increase in sextortion on Instagram, Facebook and WhatsApp. The new trend is that people might ask for something nice, then turn around and use your trust as an opportunity to abuse.

Internet sextortion schemes are becoming more and more prevalent. The important thing to remember is if you have already fallen victim, no matter how frightening it may be Never Give In. The extortionists want what they perceive as payment for their silence – which means don’t give any personal information or send pictures/videos of yourself naked!

There are multiple ways for scammers to extort people. Some will pretend they have compromising content or use generic images that don’t show anyone’s face and try bluffing you into sending them money.

How to Stop Sextortion on Instagram?

You should contact your internet service provider to let them know about the sextortion messages you have received. They can take steps so that this person cannot reach out any further, including blocking his/her phone number from calling.

If you need expert advice or service, please feel free to contact our team of cyber investigators. We’re here for all of your needs!

Now you know the answer to the question “do sextortionists follow through on Instagram”. If you need help – contact our team. We know how to deal with Instagram Sextortion.