
Set the Record Straight with Internal Investigations

Have you been feeling that something’s not quite right in your organization? You don’t have any evidence to support your feelings, and your own internal inquiry led nowhere. If anyone knows anything, they’re just not talking. Company camaraderie keeps people from wanting to divulge information about fellow employees, so you’re having a hard time figuring out what’s going on. What can you do?

Call Private Digital Investigations today, and find out how we can successfully resolve your problem. We work quickly and discreetly, gathering information without attracting attention. We’ll customize your internal investigation to deliver only the services you need, whether it’s an old-fashioned stakeout performed with the assistance of licensed third-party private investigators or a high-tech video surveillance. Our internal investigations equipment is state-of-the-art, and includes body wires, high-powered equipment with photo/video capabilities, digital imaging, broadcast-quality hidden cameras and sophisticated computer software. By using the most current technology, we’ll give you the documentation you need to see the true picture.

We handle internal investigations with a combination of high tech equipment and investigative knowledge, which allows our investigators to pinpoint the problem and provide the solution. If you’re having an internal problem and need an internal inquiry to resolve it, the time to act is now. The longer the problem lingers, the more dangerous the situation may become. Our experience with internal investigations has shown over and over again that malcontent within a firm spreads rapidly, and destroys your staff’s morale.

Call Private Digital Investigations today. We’ll put our proven internal investigations expertise to work for you-and we’ll stop any problem before it becomes insurmountable.

Digital Investigation strictly performs digital forensic investigation services and it not licensed as a private investigator in every state, when our clients need private investigators, we have a team of referral partners who are private investigators who perform all private investigation needs. Our referal partner in the state if Indiana is:

Kim Ridding Legwork Investigations

317.973.1007 (Phone)
317.973.1014 (Fax)
License: PI21100029

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