
Report Social Media Bullying

Social media bullying, unfortunately, happens daily and is causing many people pain, isolation, and self-harm. If you are a victim, it is important to take a stand and reach out for help with this digital abuse. Give us a call today so we can help put an end to your cyber bullies!

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Why is Someone Cyberbullying Me on Social Media?

When it comes to bullying and why people act on this form of abuse, power is a main component. Many, if not all bullies use bullying to gain and maintain dominance over someone they feel they can control. Victims need to understand that they are not the issue. Bullies take their anger and frustrations out on anyone who allows them to do so and the internet is one way they can do it with ease.

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How to Stop Social Media Bullying?

Most people would think blocking and reporting their bullies’ social media accounts would put an end to the harassment. It sometimes works, however, depending on the severity of the bullying, blocking will not always work. Social media gives these abusers access to dozens of other avenues to continue their harassment. This is why we recommend having professionals step in to get better results. We here at Digital Investigations are equipped with professionals who know how to handle cases of cyber harassment and bullying. We can provide you with the tools you need to put an end to this ongoing abuse for good.


How to Report Social Media Bullying?

There are many ways to tackle social media bullying. The first thing to do is report it to the platform it’s taking place on. However, as we mentioned that doesn’t always do the trick. If the harassment continues and worsens, that is when you need to involve authorities and experts such as us. To make a report to the police make sure to document the harassment and head to your local precinct to start a case. To make a report with us give us a call at 844-243-0898 or chat with one of our online specialists.

What to Do If I'm Being Cyber Bullied on Social Media?

If you are being bullied, don't let it persist without reaching out for help. If the abuse escalates to the point where your safety is threatened, you need to get professionals involved. Cyber harassment is a crime and can have serious consequences for those who act on it.


Cyberbullying on social media can have a serious impact on its victims. If you or someone you know is being bullied online, don't hesitate to reach out for help. We can provide the support and resources you need to overcome digital abuse. Call us today so we can start your case and bring back the peace you rightfully deserve.

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