Sextortionists often employ sophisticated tactics, including deceptive online personas and manipulated media, to coerce victims. Regardless of the duration of your involvement, immediate action is crucial. We provide a comprehensive approach, beginning with a thorough analysis of the threat and tracing the perpetrator's digital footprint.
Here, we’ll explain how these criminals typically operate and what you need to do, regardless of how long you’ve been involved in sextortion. You’ll also learn what steps our team takes to help you get rid of this nightmare as quickly as possible.
We offer immediate, 24/7 assistance from our team of digital investigators.
We understand cybercriminals better than anyone because we work against them on a daily basis. We understand the logic behind their actions, know when they’re bluffing, what scenarios they follow, and how those scenarios unfold. Most importantly, we know how to turn the tables on them and exploit their vulnerabilities.
The first vulnerability that we target is in the basic communications with the culprit. Against an unsuspecting victim, the criminal can catch people off guard with threats and demands. However, against a trained digital investigator? We know exactly how to manipulate the perpetrator into making mistakes that make them visible.
Secondly, we target the criminal’s anonymity. Most of their drive to do online extortion comes from the belief that their identity is protected. However, that’s not necessarily true. Using our expertise, we can track the digital footprint of the culprit, leading to the IP address, phone number, email address, ID’s and even specific devices used by the perpetrator being exposed. Not only does revealing their identity strip away the criminal’s power but it also makes it a lot easier to take legal action against them.
If you’re a victim of sextortion, how you respond matters. You need to make sure that you are protecting yourself and the information being threatened while at the same time setting up the criminal to be brought to justice. Time is also a critical factor when dealing with cybercriminals, so you need to act right now.
Millions of people start romantic relationships online these days. Many become intimate, with people engaging in sexual chats and sharing explicit photos or videos. For most, it just seems like having fun. For some, it turns into blackmail.
The extortionist suddenly threatens to share all of your intimate material unless you meet their demands. This type of online extortion is known as "sextortion," and it can involve money or a demand for more sexual images.
After handling thousands of cases, we know every criminal trick in the book. In nearly all cases, we've stopped them from sharing any of our clients' intimate images or private information.
Remember that it's not your fault and the perpetrator is using your feelings of shame or fear. Don't panic — follow these steps.
It's increasingly easy for criminals to be anonymous online. They hide behind throw-away email addresses and fake social media profiles. Some might even spend weeks gaining your trust.
Never share personal information online. Don't share private photos or videos. Don't trust social media friend requests from strangers.
If you're not okay with the world seeing it, don't put it online.
NEVER pay an online extortionist. It doesn't make them stop — it just tells them you're a good source of income to suck dry. They might message hundreds of victims at a time, but they'll drop all of them to focus on you if you're paying. The threats will only escalate.
We have helped thousands of people caught in these types of situations. More than 90 percent of the time, we stop the release of private information.
Yes. All of our cases are protected by non-disclosure agreements. We NEVER use your information outside of your case. We NEVER discuss your case with anyone but you.
Our team of digital forensics engineers, social engineering experts and cyber law-trained lawyers are experienced in tracking down the anonymous faces behind online crimes. We've tracked down cybercriminals across the world with our proprietary technology. We know how they operate, and we know how to combat them.
Our team includes experts in digital forensics, social engineering and cyber law.
Our success rate is more than 90%, and in nearly all of our online extortion cases, we've kept the criminals from releasing our clients' private information.
We're accomplished in cyber harassment cases and uncovering the true identities of these criminals no matter how hard they try to hide. We can make the harassment and bullying stop.
We do it all quickly and discreetly. Your information and reputation are safe with us.
Reach out for a free consultation today. We'll help you fight back against cyber extortion.
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