
Report Harassment on YouTube

Are you tired of harassing comments on YouTube videos? Do you want to know how you can report harassment quickly and get it taken care of? If you are encountering harassment on YouTube your next steps to report harassment on YouTube are imperative.

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Why is Someone Harassing Me on YouTube?

No one deserves to be harassed, no matter what their YouTube channel is about. You may wonder why this is happening to your account. Here are a few reasons they could be targeting your account below:

  1. Random Attacks: Sometimes “Trollers” or cyber-bullies message or harass accounts randomly. There could be no rhyme or reason in their method which can be very frustrating. They use the anonymity of creating multiple fake accounts which makes them hard to track.
  2. Targeted Attacks: These harassers could be targeting your account specifically. Have you sent any compromising information out to someone and then maybe started receiving threats? Is there someone you could have wronged or misled in the past and now they are after you? If this is the case you might need to get a third-party company or your local Police involved. 
  3. Vulnerable Account: Your account might not be secure. Because most people keep their YouTube accounts public this could leave your account susceptible to numerous amounts of scammers and harassers.

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How to Report Harassment on YouTube?

You can report the channel to YouTube by clicking the three dots under the video and selecting "Report." When prompted, select "Harassment" as the reason for your report. You can also block the user from sending you messages or comments by going to their profile and selecting "Block User."

If Blocking and Reporting the user isn’t stopping the harassment it’s recommended to reach out to Digital Investigation. We are professionals that are trained to deal with these cyber criminals. With 41% of US adults experiencing online harassment in 2022 don’t face this nightmare alone. Get help today.


What is YouTube Harassment?

Harassment on YouTube can be anything such as prolonged name-calling, revealing private information (doxing) threats, or incitement to harass.

How to file a YouTube Harassment claim?

Our helpline was made for victims battling various types of cybercrimes, such as cyber harassment. Once you give us a call, you will be able to explain your side of the story and work with a team that will combat your harassment and helps put an end to it for good.

To file a YouTube harassment claim, you can contact the experts on our 24/7 sextortion hotline and YouTube directly. To check the status of the account you reported you can visit your reporting history.


YouTube is a powerful online platform that many people use every day to watch videos, connect with others, and even find work. Harassment on YouTube is not acceptable. It's important to remember that you don't have to tolerate this kind of behavior. If you or someone you know has been the victim of online abuse on YouTube, please don't hesitate to reach out to our team for help. Call us today to learn more about how we can help you report YouTube harassment.

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