
Report Online Sextortion & Cyber Extortion

Are you a victim of sextortion or online extortion? Our digital forensic experts can find and expose anonymous cyber extortionists. Get a free consultation today.

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Dealing With Online Extortion?

The legal system and police won't help as fast as you need them.

We help with cyber extortion by finding the sextortionist's location, protecting both family life AND reputation. Unfortunately, paying the blackmailer's fees won't make them go away. The threats will continue.

Our team specializes in swiftly tracking down sextortionists using advanced technology and cybersecurity methods. With our expertise in online crimes, we can trace and identify perpetrators, helping to disrupt their activities and protect your personal and professional life.

Don't wait around for the police; enlist the help of cyber experts who understand the intricacies of online extortion scams and can help you today.

We Provide Investigative Services That Match Your Needs & Your Budget

We offer immediate, 24/7 assistance from our team of digital investigators.

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Types of Internet Sextortion we can help you with:

Digital Investigation Can Help

Individuals, small businesses and large corporations are open to all sorts of online attacks:

  • Extortionists set up fake social media or email accounts and pretend to be you. They send out lies and doctored images or videos. Their goal is to embarrass you, ruin your reputation or damage your business.
  • Catfishers pretend to be someone romantically or platonically interested in you. After they gain your trust, they threaten to spread your chats, videos or photos unless you pay them.
  • A blackmailer says they've hacked your computer or have control of your webcam. If you don't meet their demands, they'll threaten to show everyone your compromising information.

Most online platforms let these perpetrators hide behind anonymity. We can expose them.

Our experts know how to follow the digital footprints to track down IP addresses, cell phone numbers, email addresses, social media accounts and even specific devices used in online extortion. We're able to identify online harassers, extortionists and scammers, giving you the proof you need to confront them, seek a restraining order or possibly even press charges.

How We Use Digital Forensics

Criminals who stalk, harass, bully or blackmail their victims online use the anonymity of the internet to their advantage. They create dozens of faceless social media accounts and throw-away email addresses.

We have powerful digital forensic tools and expert analysts to uncover them. Our analysts will work with you to trace IP addresses, domains and devices used in online extortion scams. Think you know the extortionist? We'll cross-reference IP addresses and find out. We document all this evidence so that you can use it in a police investigation or court case. Our legal counsel can guide you through that part of the process too.

Fast Investigations

Time matters when catching online criminals. Traditional law enforcement is often too slow. We completes cases quickly and efficiently.

Experienced Digital Trackers

We have specialized tools to track cyber criminals, regardless of how they hide their identities. We can trace IP addresses, email addresses, cell phone numbers, social media accounts and the devices used in online scams.

Thorough Evidence and Expert Witnesses

Cyber extortionists will try to delete everything they can the moment they feel compromised. We can recover and collect deleted data. Our forensic analysts have access to information and databases not available to the public. We identify the perpetrators and provide valuable evidence, and we can do it all remotely. If you end up in court, our legal team and expert forensic witnesses will be there to help.


What is sextortion?

Millions of people start romantic relationships online these days. Many become intimate, with people engaging in sexual chats and sharing explicit photos or videos. For most, it just seems like having fun. For some, it turns into blackmail.

The extortionist suddenly threatens to share all of your intimate material unless you meet their demands. This type of online extortion is known as "sextortion," and it can involve money or a demand for more sexual images.

After handling thousands of cases, we know every criminal trick in the book. In nearly all cases, we've stopped them from sharing any of our clients' intimate images or private information.

What do I do if I've been extorted?

Remember that it's not your fault and the perpetrator is using your feelings of shame or fear. Don't panic — follow these steps.

  • Stop all contact. Immediately cut all communication with the extortionist. Paying them won't stop the harassment — they'll keep going once they see you as a lucrative target. Any other messages will just encourage them.
  • Save evidence. Take screenshots of your communications with the scammer and all their online profiles. Write down everything you can remember about the extortionist and their methods.
  • Report the harassment. Report the extortionist to all the online platforms where you interacted with them. Make a report with your local law enforcement and the FBI's Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3).
  • Contact us. The sooner we start your case, the better.

How can I protect myself?

It's increasingly easy for criminals to be anonymous online. They hide behind throw-away email addresses and fake social media profiles. Some might even spend weeks gaining your trust.

Never share personal information online. Don't share private photos or videos. Don't trust social media friend requests from strangers.

If you're not okay with the world seeing it, don't put it online.

Should I pay the sextortion online fee?

NEVER pay an online extortionist. It doesn't make them stop — it just tells them you're a good source of income to suck dry. They might message hundreds of victims at a time, but they'll drop all of them to focus on you if you're paying. The threats will only escalate.

Can you stop this from happening?

We have helped thousands of people caught in these types of situations. More than 90 percent of the time, we stop the release of private information.

Do you keep all of this strictly confidential?

Yes. All of our cases are protected by non-disclosure agreements. We NEVER use your information outside of your case. We NEVER discuss your case with anyone but you.

About Digital Investigation

Our team of digital forensics engineers, social engineering experts and cyber law-trained lawyers are experienced in tracking down the anonymous faces behind online crimes. We've tracked down cybercriminals across the world with our proprietary technology. We know how they operate, and we know how to combat them.

Trusted by 750+ Customers

Our team includes experts in digital forensics, social engineering and cyber law.

Our success rate is more than 90%, and in nearly all of our online extortion cases, we've kept the criminals from releasing our clients' private information.

We're accomplished in cyber harassment cases and uncovering the true identities of these criminals no matter how hard they try to hide. We can make the harassment and bullying stop.

We do it all quickly and discreetly. Your information and reputation are safe with us.

Reach out for a free consultation today. We'll help you fight back against cyber extortion.

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