Can You File Harassment Charges Online Can You File Harassment Charges Online

Can You File Harassment Charges Online?

Being harassed is not something to take lightly. This type of crime entails a person receiving consistently unwanted threatening messages, meet-ups, calls, etc. from someone they know or a stranger. Either way, you as a victim understandably want and deserve justice for this cruelty. So, how do you get it? Can you file harassment charges online? What qualifies as harassment? Read on to find out the answers to these common questions.

How to Report Harassing Emails

What Qualifies as a Harassment Charge?

Harassment is when a person is threatened, intimidated, or stalked, to the point where they feel annoyed or unsafe and they can’t go about their everyday life. Harassment can come in many forms and it can happen in person or online.

can you file harassment charges online

Some common examples of harassment include:

  • Unwanted physical touching or sexual advances
  • Direct or indirect threats
  • Offensive jokes or comments
  • Intimidation
  • Put-downs or insult
  • Obscene gestures
  • Leering or staring
  • Following someone around
  • Repeatedly asking for dates after being told no
  • Displaying sexually explicit pictures or objects
  • Making rape, death, or other threats
  • Blocking someone’s path

Can Victims File Harassment Charges Online?

In short no, victims cannot file harassment charges online. If they do, they must gather evidence of the harassment and report it to the police in person. The documented evidence should include dates, times, messages, calls, posts, photos, etc.

If you want to file harassment charges, we recommend talking to an attorney about your legal options first. Harassment sentencing can vary and it typically depends on state laws. Speaking with an attorney can give you information about the statute of limitations for filing a lawsuit, as well as other possible legal remedies that might be available to you.

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How to Solve a Problem Without Giving It Legal Force

The legal system is not always the most efficient way to solve a problem. There are other ways to take care of problems without going through the hassle and expense of a lawsuit.

The majority of harassment does take place over the internet on top of in-person harassment. If this is the case for you there are some companies that specialize in cyber-harassment and can help you potentially put an end to the harassment without having to take legal action if you decide not to.

file harassment charges online

Digital Investigation is a prime example of a company that can assist victims of blackmail without needing to take legal force if they do not wish to. We are one of the leading companies in the cybercrime industry. We handle all types of cybercrimes and cyber harassment cases and have shown success in helping victims overcome this awful abuse. Most perpetrators of harassment like to disguise their identity online, which makes it very difficult to bring them to justice. Using our techniques and strategies we can locate these harassers and accumulate an abundance of information to prove who is behind the torment. Victims can take our report of findings and confront their harasser stating they know who they are and if they do not stop the harassment, the police will get involved. Many of our victims take this path to avoid any legal costs and have seen success in getting the harassment to end.


No one deserves to be harassed, no matter where it takes place. If you’ve been the victim of harassment, know that there are steps you can take to hold your harasser accountable. You can file a harassment charges online by heading to your local precinct and contacting an attorney that can guide you through the right legal steps. Don’t suffer in silence — take action today.