A dangerous type of scam has been circulating on Snapchat recently. This scam involves users receiving messages requesting nude photos or videos, and then being blackmailed out of money to avoid getting exposed to family, friends, and the entire internet. With how many cases are being reported, it is important to be aware of Snapchat’s nude scam and know how to stay safe online when using Snapchat.
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What is Snapchat Nude Scam?
The nude scam that is taking over Snapchat consists of cybercriminals disguising themselves as young adults and reaching out to dozens of random accounts. They will reach out and try to spark a conversation and introduce themselves. It doesn’t take much longer until they bring up the idea of exchanging sexual images or videos.
They go about asking for this private content by masking it, making it seem like it is innocent fun. They will provide an image or video first, making their victims trust them to send theirs. However, the images or videos sent on their behalf are not of themselves, and instead, come from adult websites.
After the victim caves in and send their content, is when these criminals take countless screenshots and recordings of the content and messages. They then bombard their victim with threats of exposure if they are not given money to keep quiet. The length these criminals will go is endless. Online harassment will not end until they are satisfied with the demands they are given or they are stopped by authorities.
Don’t Get Snapped by Snapchat’s Nude Scam
It’s fair to say that we people can tend to get caught up in the moment and do something we would regret later on. When you have a person who’s showing interest in you, it’s hard not to fall for the attention. However, people need to remember that the internet is filled with thousands of cybercriminals and bad people. It’s never a good idea to put your trust in a stranger you’ve met online! No matter how tempting, it’s better to be safe than sorry!
Tips for Staying Safe on Snapchat
Here are some tips you can use to keep yourself safe from any potential Snapchat scams and scammers.
Set Up Two-Factor Authentication
Two-factor authentication (2FA) adds an additional layer of security to your account. With 2FA enabled, you will be asked to enter a six-digit code each time you log in from a new device or location. This code can be sent via SMS or email and provides an extra layer of security against hackers who may try to access your account.
Review Your Privacy Settings
Snapchat offers several options for customizing your privacy settings. You can decide who can view your stories and who can send you messages by adjusting these settings accordingly. Make sure to review them periodically and update them if necessary.
Be Careful What You Post
It’s always important to remember that once something is posted online, it’s out there forever – even if it gets deleted shortly after being posted. Be mindful of what you post on Snapchat and consider how it might affect you in the future before hitting the “post” button. It’s also important to remember that anyone can screenshot anything so be aware that whatever you post could potentially end up elsewhere online without your knowledge or consent.
If you are currently dealing with a Snapchat scam, give us a call today for assistance. We specialize in cybercrime such as nude scams on social media. We have a set of strategies that can help you overcome this terrible situation and give you back the peace you rightfully deserve.
Snapchat is a fun and easy way to stay connected with friends and family but it’s important to take steps to ensure your safety while using the platform. Following these tips will help keep your account secure, keep you safe from any potential Snapchat nude scams, and provide peace of mind when using Snapchat. Stay safe out there!
Remember, reporting Snapchat sextortion is crucial in preventing these crimes from occurring. Our dedicated sextortion helpline is here to support you and guide you through the reporting process.