what to do if blackmailed on facebook what to do if blackmailed on facebook

What To Do if Blackmailed on Facebook?

Throughout history, there have been numerous blackmail cases involving powerful individuals and organized professional blackmailers, illustrating the severe consequences and societal implications of this crime.

The key here is not to show any emotion other than determination. If you’re feeling confident, that’s great! This will help stop things before things get too far out of hand and you can retake control. We’ll help you. Just follow these simple steps from our article “What To Do if Blackmailed on Facebook?”.

Understanding Blackmail

Its form of coercion where an individual uses threats or intimidation to extract money, property, or services from another person. It can also involve threatening to reveal damaging or embarrassing information about someone unless they comply with demands. And it can take many forms, including physical, emotional and extortion attempts. For instance, a scammer might threaten to cause physical harm to you or your loved ones, or they might use emotional blackmail to manipulate you into doing what they want. Understanding this type is crucial to protect yourself from falling victim to it. Recognizing these threats early can help you take the necessary steps to safeguard your personal property and well-being.

Is Blackmail a Crime?

Yes, it is a criminal offense under federal law and every state law. It involves coercing or extorting someone to gain money, property, or services unless the person meets specific demands. It can be a felony offense, carrying severe penalties, including imprisonment and fines. In many states, this falls under the laws of extortion, and the penalties can vary depending on the jurisdiction. If you find yourself falling for blackmail, it is important to report the incident to law enforcement to ensure that the perpetrator is held accountable under the law.

How to Deal with Online Blackmail

The trauma of dealing with an online sextortion incident can be overwhelming for those involved.

Blackmail and online sextortion are difficult situations that can lead to more problems. They should follow established procedures in order to reduce potential damages and get out of this cycle as quickly as possible.

Here are some tips on how to handle all types

  • Stop all communication;
  • If they request that you send them money, images, or videos of yourself – refuse. Don’t provide the information they are seeking, report Facebook Messenger sextortion to us immediately;
  • Make sure you keep all the evidence, including the names and usernames of suspects as well as any communication. Remember to take screenshots or video footage that might help identify them.

How to Stop Blackmail on Facebook

What To Do If Being on Facebook? 3 Important Steps

Popular services like Facebook are often used for cyber blackmail. Always reporting your abuse can help stop cybercriminals before they continue with their plans. Blackmailers often threaten to reveal damaging information about their victims unless their demands are met, making it crucial to report the abuse promptly.

  • Find the attacker’s profile page, by clicking on it in your News Feed);
  • Click on the “three dots” right of the top navigation and select Find support or report profile;
  • The instructions will guide you through submitting a report or giving feedback;

Reporting blackmail on Instagram or Facebook blackmail can protect you from being hacked. Also ensures that the person who is harming your account won’t be notified. This way they can’t do anything else with their malicious activity.

How to Stop Someone from Blackmailing You on Facebook in 7 Steps: Gather Information

  1. Threatening messages and phone calls can be intimidating, especially when they involve threats to your family members. It’s a terrible thing to experience, but don’t let it get you down. You must stand up for yourself from day one.
  2. The victim should definitely go for help. This can make their case stronger, by reporting on Facebook and stopping the them from doing so in others’ cases as well. You can click on the profile and then select “Report” from the menu.
  3. We recommend that you do not send them any money.
  4. It is important that you maximize all privacy restrictions on your social media accounts and disable any unfamiliar ones.
  5. In order to get justice, it is important that you have all of the evidence. This includes pictures and screenshots from conversations.
  6. Monitor what people say about you on social media and other online platforms with a Google alert.
  7. Also, if you have any information that could help us identify this person, please let us know. We’ll be sure to keep all communication with them in mind while we investigate.

Protecting Yourself from Future Attempts

To protect yourself in the future, it is crucial to be cautious when sharing personal information online or over the phone. Be wary of suspicious emails or messages, and never open attachments or click on links from unknown sources. Keep your computers and devices secure by using antivirus software and strong passwords. Be mindful of your online presence and avoid sharing sensitive information on social media platforms. If you have fallen for blackmail, remain calm and seek help from law enforcement or a private investigator. Taking these precautions can significantly reduce the risk of falling victim and help you maintain control over your personal information.

Treatment and Support

Victims of blackmail often experience emotional distress, financial loss, and damage to their reputation. It is essential to seek help from trusted sources, such as counselors or law enforcement agencies. Support groups or organizations that specialize in helping persons of crime can also be helpful. Therapy, counseling, and crisis intervention services can provide emotional support and guidance. In some cases, legal assistance may be necessary to address any criminal charges or civil disputes related to the blackmail. Remember, you don’t have to go through this alone. Seeking emotional support and professional help can make a significant difference in your recovery and help you regain control of your life.


In conclusion, being blackmailed on Facebook can be a distressing experience, but there are steps you can take to protect yourself and seek justice. By following the advice outlined in this article, such as not giving in to their demands, documenting evidence, and reporting the incident to the relevant authorities, you can regain control of the situation and safeguard your online security. Failing to address the situation can result in sensitive information being revealed publicly, causing further damage to your reputation and personal life. Remember to prioritize your safety and seek help if you need it.