online blackmail types online blackmail types

How to Deal with Online Blackmail?

Many want to know how to deal with online blackmail or extortion. There is so much coercion these days. More and more are coming to the internet so in time things might only get worse. It’s like anything else, there is good and bad! Many find out too late what its like learning how to deal with online extortion or how to stop someone blackmailing you online. 

How To Deal With Cyber black mail

The more blackmail and extortion falsehoods you believe, the less likely you are to know what to do when someone is extorting you. Clearing up any untruths can ensure you have the right information, so they understand what steps to take.   

According to Statista, over 880,000 complaints were filed about online crime. We don’t know about you but that’s a lot in a year.    

We know exactly what’s on your mind. How did I get mixed up in this blackmail and how can I make these blackmailers go far away!

How Online Blackmail Happens

You may be wondering how blackmail happens and the answer is it’s really easy.

  1. Anyone can become vulnerable online if they are lonely
  2. People don’t secure their accounts against blackmail
  3. They don’t have enough experience on the internet
  4. They don’t have their equipment secure enough

Our advice bottom line, blackmail is easy to happen. All it takes is a vulnerable minute on a website and can fall prey to online blackmail. It happens many times by accepting a friend request from someone you do not know.  

Back in the early days of online, many customers would fall for AOL chat message scams. Someone would message a person and say they were from America Online support and they needed to access their screen. They then ask for their password so they gain full control. .

Yes, hackers and blackmailers can and do break into computers but social engineering can do a great amount of damage. Usually a hacker will have access to a trojan horse program that turns computers into zombie bots. They then have bots to control many computers at once or to gain access to a computer.  

There are also data broker sites where hackers exchange information once it is stolen from online.

If you need help contact a company that cares and can help you get rid of blackmailers demands fast.

The Online Blackmail Types

before dealing with any online blackmail attempt, you need to understand fully how it happens, what type it is and what you can do about it.

  1. Sextortion – coercion victims are lead to believe the scam artists has nude photos or video of them and they will release them to the world if payment isn’t made. – Usually happens on dating  profile websites.
  2. Malware –   Sent via email or from a browser will lock or encrypt a computer. The hacker then demands ransom payment to unlock it.
  3. Revenge Porn – Usually an ex who has photos who threatens to release them to family unless a sum is paid or they get back together with the ex.
  4. Business Extortion – A hacker demands payment because they have corporate secrets and will send them to the another company.
  5. Social – They crack into social media platforms and demand payment to get the everything back. Always be careful with friend request of people you do not know.
  6. Webcam Takeover – A criminal loads software that allows them access to the webcam. They then threaten to release private videos.

online blackmail types

How To Handle A BlackMailer

First you need to relax and realize there is hope in a blackmailer harassment situation. Next:

  1. Calm down and be real
  2. Realize there is help available if you can’t figure it out
  3. Never pay demands or comply with a blackmailer – if you do they will want more this is best for how to handle online blackmail

Cease Communications With the Blackmailer

It’s so important to cease communication with a blackmailer trying to extort you online. Do not talk to them and give them a bank account number or anything. They will claim they have intimate content and its just lies. Going no contact is how to stop someone blackmailing you online.   

Contacting Local Law Enforcement to Stop Online Blackmail

You can always do is file a police report with the local police against the blackmailer. Many local police authorities now employ online crime specialists who handle sexual abuse cases, explicit content, blackmail threats, criminal charges and more.  

Digital evidence is important for any harassment case. Once you cease communications with your blackmailer, act quickly and have the law enforcement immediately check your computer. 

how to deal with online blackmail

How To Get Rid of A Blackmailer From Overseas

When looking how to stop online blackmail, blackmailers, are usually from another country and after a bank account number. And to be fair and honest they really do not have the information they say they do. Usually it’s mostly social engineering. 

But, truth be told, it also is and can be very real where they hacked into your computer or you sent some nude pics and they are ready to use it against you.  

So assume they really do have information against you. First you need to calm down. Then call the pros at Digital Investigation who can handle this kind of scenario. We have the technology and man power to go after these cyber criminals and make them stop. 

To get them to delete the photo you can call Digital investigation.    

Do Not Comply With The Criminals and How To Stop Internet Blackmail

You being scared and meeting the blackmailer demands is their dream come true. Remember they may or may not have sensitive information. But do not give into them no matter what. You regain control by being calm no matter if they even say they have nudes. this is how to stop blackmail online.  

You can also report the incident to the Internet Crime Complaint Center

Keeping The Evidence From Cyber Blackmail Help

If something does happen and you find yourself dealing with online blackmailer then:

  1. Report to local police
  2. Preserve online blackmail evidence
  3. Remember they will always try to get more money out of you and it could be in the form of a gift cards

Revenge Porn Extortion

This is a huge problem for people who have shared intimate pics with their boyfriend and then broke up with them and forgot they had the pics. 

The ex boyfriend then threatens to post those pictures to porn sites. Exposing all for the whole world to see. This is very common blackmail tactics when relationships go sour. 

This can cause a whole lot of emotional distress for those involved with this extortion.  

How To Prevent Sextortion in the Future

Securing your life is great for preventing any future online blackmail attacks. It doesn’t really take that much to do to really not become sextortion victims. 

Your Computer

Here’s how to secure your computer from cyber blackmail attacks. 

  1. Always make passwords strong. If you don’t make them strong because they are hard to remember, consider using Google Chrome or a program such as Keeper.  
  2. Enable two Factor Authentication (2FA) on all programs, social media and computers. It may be a pain logging into everything but this could really save you from an attack.  
  3. Keep your software updated as it gets outdated and becomes a security risk. Make sure to check it monthly. 
  4. If you have any imitate image on your computer, always remember to secure it.

Other Things You Can Do

Here is a list of what else you can do to deal with online blackmail. 

  1. Setup Google alerts in your name so it goes to your email address, in the event your name shows up online.
  2. Lock down all your online accounts
  3. Keep all your online platforms secure and keep any intimate images locked away
  4. Do not do any video call without knowing the person
  5. Make online privacy a priority
  6. Never keep any intimate image on your computer
  7. Avoid paying the internet blackmail thief
  8. Go through everything and make sure no harmful information can be found

Will A Lawyer Help

You can hire internet blackmail attorneys if you want to but the simple truth is they really won’t do too much for you for extortion. They may be able to send cease and desist letters if the crime is within the United States.

An attorney may provide some online blackmail relief but you want a company who will make the blackmail go away as fast as possible. Remember your online reputation is at stake and there could be another blackmail attempt on your personal life or blackmail threat demanding money.  

Legal proceedings are usually only good within the US and you have the legal options available. You will need to collect as much evidence as you can also.

Also, you do not need a lawyer to file a police report or even start a civil lawsuit. You always have legal options available to you.  

Currently every year the online crime report seems to get a little worse every year. More and more online scams are reported each year leaking personal details. These cyber crimes are only getting worse every year.  

Online blackmail happens to millions each year. All you have to look at is a search result and see the startling truth.  

Many platforms are riddled with people who want to steal your information and sensitive data. 

What If You Don’t Want to Hire A Lawyer

If the crime happened inside the United States and you are looking for justice then you can take immediate action and file a complaint with your local court today. Just be sure to collect evidence before you go. 

Remember just follow this practical advice against a blackmailer and you will have the best chance of not losing any money or truly being blackmailed. Online blackmail is tricky.  Mostly a cyber criminal won’t even bother posting anything online. Just stop communicating with them and you will see them go away. 

Remember a blackmail thief is just trying to collect enough evidence to blackmail you and make you pay them.   

Remember to keep every online account safe you have whether it’s a social media platform or anything else.  Make sure you capture screenshots of everything going on. Keep your private information well away in your computer.  

Governmental Blackmail Resources

Support Groups

Knowing that you are not alone in this fight with blackmailers. When you know there are others who made the same mistakes it can actually be therapeutic.