
Gathering Evidence from Social Media

When you’re neck-deep in an unpleasant divorce, custody battle or other litigation, finding the evidence you need is your number one priority. In a world where we live our lives online, a world of social networking, where you can be easily be blocked and unable to see information on someone’s page or account, more evidence than you can even imagine is right at your fingertips. Gathering that evidence, in a way that the court will accept, can be an overwhelming endeavor. At Digital Investigation, we make it easy.

While most Facebook and Twitter users are aware that what they put out on social media is public, and can come back to haunt them later, most people do not realize just how public that information really is. Even if someone’s profile is mostly shared only with his or her friends, users who have had their profiles for a long time often have data that is shared publicly without their awareness. We can help you quickly and easily gather that information and determine if any of it is relevant.

An untapped gold mine of information may be available to you in the form of social media, including:

  • Pictures, including pictures someone was tagged in
  • Locations, via pictures, posts, and check-ins
  • Alcohol use / abuse
  • Alcohol policy violations
  • Drug use / abuse
  • Evidence of infidelity
  • Evidence showing purchases that were made
  • And much more

This type of evidence can help you prove your soon-to-be-ex was cheating, prove he or she is an unfit parent, or prove that what you are saying is the truth. And Facebook and Twitter are not the only places that social media evidence can be gathered. If you have relevant evidence in your webmail (Gmail, AOL, Outlook.com, Yahoo) that you want to submit to court for consideration, we can gather that data for you and authenticate that what is submitted to the court is what was taken directly from the email provider’s online storage. We can also help you document your Instagram or LinkedIn profile if it contains relevant evidence.

Don’t get overwhelmed by the task of finding and authenticating the evidence you’re looking for on social media, let Digital Invetigation take care of it for you.

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