
Pre-Loaded Devices

Will you have trouble installing monitoring software on your device due to access to the device, the type of device, or some other factor? Whether you foresee having a problem installing the software or you don’t want to complete the installation yourself, we can still help. We offer devices that are pre-loaded with monitoring software.

How It Works

Whether you want to replace the device with the exact same model, or you’d like to upgrade the device to something different, you tell us the specifications required, and we provide the correct device. We will load the monitoring software onto your new device, and then provide the device to you. You will need to activate your new device with your wireless service provider. Either swap the new device for the old device it is replacing, or present your new device to its intended user as an upgrade gift.

How the Monitoring Works

The device will operate normally once it is activated by your wireless phone provider. The installed software is not detectable, and will run silently in the background. You will receive regular emails that provide you with a report on the device’s use. Through this report you will be able to see everything that was done on the device.

You will also be able to set up alerts that allow the software to notify you when certain actions take place (example: call to or from a certain number, a certain application being used, etc). This will allow you to see what is happening both in real time and in an in-depth reporting format.

Keep in mind that the law states that you cannot install monitoring software on a device you do not own without the owner’s approval. We offer services across the country, so be sure that you check your local laws before purchasing monitoring software installation. We cannot and will not give legal advice. If you are in doubt, it is always best to consult a lawyer.

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