
What do Private Forensic Investigation Services Entail?

We live in a digital world. Just as we leave fingerprints on everything we touch, the things we do leave digital fingerprints on our devices. Unfortunately, they are just as hard to recognize digitally, as they are on the things we touch.

Our highly trained digital forensic investigators understand how to recognize these digital fingerprints, and how to use them effectively during their investigation of your device. Any digital device can have digital fingerprints that can provide evidence during our investigation.

Who Needs Background and Personal Investigations?

There is a wide variety of people who might want a background investigation, for a variety of reasons. Whether you’re a professional wanting to looking into someone for business reasons, or a private individual wanting to look into someone for safety reasons, we can help.

  • Romantic Partners
  • Child Caregivers
  • Locating Lost Loved Ones
  • Business Partners
  • Invest Partners
  • Employees
  • Renters

Virtually anyone that enters your life could be someone you want to ensure is who they say they are. Don’t risk your own personal safety, or the safety of your business and money, by not ensuring you are safe.

How can a Private Digital Investigation Help Me?

Do you think your spouse or significant other is cheating on you, but you just can’t find the evidence? Is your teenager lying to you about where he or she goes and what they do, but you can’t catch them in the act? Do you think an employee is trying to steal your intellectual property or is selling trade secrets? Is your business losing money and you think your partner is stealing it? Monitoring electronic communication and behavior can give you the answers you are looking for.

  • Phone Consultation with a Digital Forensics Expert, up to 2 hrs
  • Guidance in determining which digital devices may contain evidence
  • Clear expectations for your Digital Investigation
  • Cost breakdown for full investigation
  • Getting Started Report
  • Do’s and Don’t’s
  • What your Next Step should be

Once you’ve chosen your dedication level, we will provide you with your Getting Started Report, which will include the price for your full digital investigation (step two). Ready to get started? Still have questions? Don’t wait, call us today! 800-849-6515

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