
Report Twitch Harassment

Twitch is an interactive live-streaming entertainment service that allows millions of people to come together and share their opinions. That being said, not everyone is going to share the same thoughts and that is where Twitch harassment can start to ensue. If you are being targeted for harassment on the platform report it instantly!

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Why is Someone Harassing Me on Twitch?

Twitch is built for people to interact on the web and discuss their favorite music, games, sports, etc. Millions of people tap into the streaming service and voice their thoughts on a topic. A platform like this allows trolls to take out their aggressions they might be too afraid to do in person.

So, if you’re ever wondering why a person might be harassing you, it’s most likely because they don’t agree with your beliefs or they just want to cause drama because it’s what they find entertaining. Either way, it is never okay to harass someone online. If you are frequently being targeted by the same individual, report the harassment so that it doesn’t escalate or get any worse.

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How to Report Twitch Harassment?

You can report a user by clicking on the user’s name in the chat and clicking the 3 vertical dots at the bottom right. There you will be given the option to report. You will be given a list of categories to choose from, click all that apply to your specific situation. There will also be a description box where they will ask you to go into detail about the abuse that ensued. Be as detailed as possible.

However, reporting a user might not be what it takes to get them to stop harassing you! This is why you should report the harassment to us here at Digital Investigation. We specialize in cyber-harassment and have the right strategies to help bring your ongoing abuse to an end. Give us a call at 844-240-8277 or chat with one of our online representatives to start a case today!


What is Twitch Harassment?

Twitch harassment is when someone using the service targets another individual and sends abusive and threatening messages to cause discomfort and harm. The harassment can consist of name-calling, threats, and discrimination.

How to Deal with Harassment on Twitch?

The most effective way of dealing with harassment on Twitch is to document the harassment, report the abuser, and block them from contacting you. If that doesn’t stop them from contacting you then you should take extra steps and report the harassment to experts such as us.


Twitch harassment is unfortunately very common on the platform. If you are currently struggling with this form of digital abuse, do not wait any longer in hopes of them going away! Report the abuse today and get the peace you deserve! Twitch is made for people to openly express their feelings but that doesn’t make it okay to target and unload anger onto anyone! Stay vigilant and keep yourself safe from online bullies!

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